It’s the new year, and this season is full of hopes, dreams and resolutions for the year ahead. That’s why there’s no better time than now to start something new. Whether it’s something you’ve been meaning to do for a while or something new, whatever it is, make sure you plan to do something that will make a positive difference in your life.
I recommend taking your career to the next level.
What is the one thing you can do this month that would add the most value to your career? Did you postpone asking for a raise last year? Have you been procrastinating asking for feedback about past work performance? Have you felt like you’ve hit a ceiling in your current role and are unsure about your future with the company?
Whatever the problem may be, take advantage of the momentum in the air this month and use these three practical tips to help you get started towards your New Year’s goals.
1. Get clarity on what you want.
Usually, the things we end up putting off end up being the things that will transform our lives for the better. Everyone in some form or another is afraid of change.
However, the sheer act of writing down your goal is the first step to actively moving towards it. It becomes an agreement with yourself that serves to hold you accountable to that goal and opens up the opportunity for your goal to be more readily achievable. Instead of being thrown off course by unforeseen events, you become the director of these events, proactively managing your career to the destination you’d like.
2. Get real about why you want it.
Many a self-help guru may have already told you about identifying and writing down your goals. However, did you know that by tying your goals to the meaning they will create in your life, you are more likely to achieve them?
Don’t misinterpret this as simply writing down something you want and expecting it to magically appear. On the contrary, the greater the goal, the harder you’ll have to work for it. But, by writing down your “why” for each goal, you will tap into your core motivation for creating that goal in the first place.
Strive to write down your why for each major goal you’d like to pursue in 2018, and revisit your list often. That core motivation will get you through tough times, especially when you feel like quitting.
3. Break your big goal into small, actionable steps.
You’ve likely heard of SMART goals. It’s the criteria for goal-setting whereby if you make goals more “specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound,” it’s more likely you’ll attain them.
Begin to tackle your goals one-by-one by writing down the very next step you need to take in order to get to the outcome you want. Make your first step easy and painless. For example, if you’d like a raise in 2018, first search online for “best ways to ask your boss for a raise.” This first, easy step is the only thing you need to do right now to get the ball rolling on this important priority.
Next, ask yourself the following question: “What could I do with this information?” If you find that your online search pulls up a list of dos and don’ts, create a document that brings these tips together. There will be many different ways you can take this information and use it to maximize its effect. For example, try out each of the top negotiation tactics with a trusted friend or spouse (not a colleague) and figure out what works best for you and your situation.
To get to the most favorable outcome, you’ll want to refer back to your “why” list often, if not for any reason other than to remind yourself why this goal is important to you. When you have a crystal-clear answer, you can defend your goal if ever questioned about it by anybody.
If your “why” for getting a raise involves the rationale that you’ve been at this company X number of years and it’s time for a raise, that is not a good enough answer. In truth, the company doesn’t care how long you’ve been there — it only matters whether or not you continue to add value.
So instead, focus your “why” on the value you have added to the company, including the results you have produced over the past week, month and year. If you can make a case to your manager about the recent and cumulative impact you’ve had on key performance metrics, you’ll be in an advantageous position.
Finally, tackle your goal step-by-step by breaking it into smaller tasks. Most of us don’t get going until we have a deadline to meet. So, consider your next big step to set a meeting with your boss to discuss your performance. By sending out this meeting invite, you’ve created an inescapable deadline. You’ll be forced to prepare for it by doing the above steps as soon as possible to make the meeting.
Instead of working towards the status quo this year and passively reacting to career curveballs, use these three tips to get going on your goals and proactively manage your career in 2018. Start today in creating a career that you will be proud of.