The job market is tougher than ever these days, so your same old resume won’t work anymore. Most people rely on submitting their resume indiscriminately online across the major job boards because it has worked in the past. But things have changed drastically in the past few years. Nowadays, thousands of postings across countless job boards and competition from hundreds of applicants per open position have created tougher conditions for job seekers. So, how can you be successful in today’s job hunt? You can start by changing the way you think about your resume and how you present yourself on this all-important document.
1. Get to know your audience.
Would you give a speech without first knowing whom you’re speaking to? Then why do most of us believe we can put anything on our resumes without regard for the person reading it? We mistakenly believe that a resume is all about us, so we resort to showing all of our skills and abilities while disregarding the interests of our readers.
I would encourage you to expand your perception of a resume’s purpose to resolve this issue. A resume is a piece of marketing collateral that’s designed to not only tell a reader more about you, but also show them what they want to see. The very best resumes strike a balance between showing skills and experiences and also fitting into the mold a company casts. Keep in mind the following important audience members when writing your resume.
Applicant Tracking System (ATS): This automated software program helps screen out candidates who lack the minimum requirements and gets the stack of incoming resumes down to a humanly manageable size for review. To escape this trap, you’ll want to use just the right number of keywords — usually the same keywords presented in the job description with no more than five to 10 per resume page. Above all else, make sure your keywords are action-oriented since you’ll want to show an employer that things didn’t just happen to you but, instead, you made things happen.
Human resources or hiring managers: The next obstacle faced are human resources personnel or hiring managers (one of whom may be your future boss). These professionals are overwhelmed with hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of applications per open position at their company on top of their other work responsibilities. Therefore, it’s incumbent upon you to make things easy for them. They’ll want your resume to answer the following questions: Can you do the job? How fast can you learn? How easy will you be to manage? Are you a fit for the company culture? Will you succeed in this type of company/environment? They will want to know that, if the company invests time and resources in you, you’re not going to jump ship soon after your start date.
2. Tailor your resume appropriately.
If you fail to heed this advice, it won’t matter how many applications you crank out each week because you’re at a higher risk of getting weeded out by the ATS. Think about this in tandem with taking on your audience’s perspective. If you’re applying for a role as a software developer, do you think a hiring manager cares about your work as a yoga instructor? Newsflash: they don’t.
If you have everything and the kitchen sink on your resume, a reader will have to sort through these items to match skills and abilities to the job at hand. They will not want to spend the time trying to make these connections. Rather, your audience only cares about your skills and experiences as they pertain to the open position at their company. So, for every position included on your resume, ask yourself: What is the point of including this? Is this adding to my overall competitive advantage as a candidate?
The better you can tailor your assets to the specific needs of the company, the more likely your resume will be to stand out from the crowd during the screening phase. Make sure you pay particular attention to the job description and compare your resume against it. This will clue you in to what is required for the job and what your audience truly cares about. Anything else will largely be glossed over by the reader.
3. Focus on quality over quantity.
Aim to mirror the responsibilities presented in the job description as much as possible. Are there any extra details in your bullets that are ancillary to what the company is looking for? Strive to be judicious and brief with your bullets by presenting only the top three to five bullet points per past position. You can also bolster the quality by focusing on how you present the details. Most resumes tell the audience what, when and where: what roles and duties were performed, when you worked there and for how long, and where you worked (e.g. company name, location, etc.). You must go beyond telling what and start showing how.
You can show your audience how you have added value to companies in the past by emphasizing your accomplishments. First, start out by prioritizing your bullet points in order of importance to keep the reader engaged. Next, make sure that your bullets detail your responsibilities and the results of them. To present this in an easy-to-read way, use the SAR method.
1. Situation: What duty or responsibility were you charged with?
2. Action: What actions did you take to carry out this duty or meet your goals?
3. Result: What were the results of performing this duty, and how did you meet or exceed your goals?
If you need more help with your resume, I highly recommend getting it reviewed by a professional. There are many fee-for-service resume writers and career/job coaches who specialize in this. It’s all the better if you know someone in human resources or recruiting who can help. Your network will be paramount in helping you make sure your resume is on par with other applicants as well as helping you get a foot in the door to increase your chances of getting an interview.